With a little help from our friends

Editor, The food has all been brought in, the shelves at the food bank are filled, and on behalf of all the area Scouts, and...

Independent Guestatorial: Lean energy: Better thinking for better results

“Money money money money, money For the love of money People will steal from their mother For the love of money People will rob their own brother Money money...

38-minute alert a wake-up call

Editor, The recent 38-minute alert in Hawaii brought forth valid panic. We have natural laws, God’s laws, Biblical hints and clues, yet 97 percent of the...

Slap on the back for council

Editor, I thank the City Council for abandoning the lease agreement for meetings’ space at the Community Center of Commerce. Through research, education and knowledge we...

When oil pipelines rupture, people pay

Before the 2013 Mayflower ExxonMobil disaster, people in Arkansas believed crude oil pipelines were safe, and if something happened, government agencies and oil companies...

Is Diamond Safe?

Two dictators walk into a bar. We have long-range missiles ready, says round & short. Any overt threats will be met with fire and...

Another Opinion

Al Larson              Board President                    allarson@es.k12.ar.us Candace Spaulding                                             spaulding777@live.com Chris McClung                                                     cmcclung1017@gmail.com Gayla Wolfinbarger                                             gwolfinbarger@es.k12.ar.us Jason Morris                                                         jmorris@es.k12.ar.us Jayme Wildeman                                                 jaymewildeman@es.k12.ar.us          Joe Hill                                                                   joe.hill.@es.k12.ar.us          From the Lovely County Citizen, 7/11/2013 “As trustees...

Look for truth

Editor, Watching the peaceful “Black Lives Matter” protests, I was vividly reminded of the summer of 1972. I traveled to Miami, Florida, to participate in...

The Wild Wild West

When I was a kid, we ran and roamed all over our neighborhood. We had one corner lot for baseball, another for football, and...

The power of compassion

I consider non-violence to be compassion in action. It doesn’t mean weakness, cowering in fear, or simply doing nothing. It is to act without...