Fracking hell

“Ignoring the climate disruption, sacrificing public health and the land, while destroying the American economy is criminal.” There was a time when people were highly...



Good for the community as a whole

Editor, Socialism for the people: Medicare and Social Security, among others. Trump’s socialism: $127 million of taxpayer money to build a Trump Golf Link in Queens...



Healing the planet is all about time

Cost is irrelevant when dealing with planetary extinction Last week we heard the Republican Senate would not pay for the Green New Deal. The Sunrise...

What goes around keeps going around

Editor, I love passing on compliments I hear around town. Here are two. My neighbor was looking for a crockpot and stopped at the Good Shepherd...

Healing the planet

“In the course of history, there comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness, to reach a...



Fiddler gets accolades

Editor, My congratulations to the Eureka Springs High School theater department on their production of Fiddler on the Roof. I attended the Saturday night performance. I...

Socialism trumps capitalism

Editor, I hate capitalism. Sick cows are butchered for hamburger. Pesticides and herbicides sprayed all the time on vegetables. Salmonella in the frozen section. Obscene salaries...