Just shut it down

Editor, I tried to call Governor Asa Hutchinson’s office and was shuffled off to the voicemail of the person in charge of veteran’s affairs, who...

Family thoughts

Editor, Big ballyhoo lately about family separation. Imperative that your offspring are cared for and not just in childhood, but eternally. My dad was separated at 15...

Kind tire changing

Editor, I want to offer my wife’s and my thanks to the young man who, when he saw, “a flat tire and two white heads” helped...

Can you hear me now?

Editor, I, like all Americans except the indigenous nations of the “First Americans,” am a child of immigrants. My fore parents came from Belfast, Ireland,...

Times, they are a changin’

Editor, I wish to correct this gentleman. He refers to the outdated, homophobic classification of homosexuality by the American Psychiatric Association as “a mental disorder.”...

Lies, Big Lies, and PipeLies

Bruce Lee said, “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.” PipeLies is about money. A lie is a statement made knowing it is...

Stop pesticide spraying

Editor, Because of the spraying of pesticides on the side of roads our beautiful planet is not so beautiful anymore. My friends and I agree...

Kiss the frackers goodbye!

“Loyalty to the nation all the time, loyalty to the government when it deserves it.” – Mark Twain Welcome to the future, a place full...

Parking problem solutions

Editor, In a letter to the editor in last week’s paper, a tourist lamented his inability to find a parking spot anywhere near downtown and...

Vote honorably

Editor, In watching the funeral of Sen. John McCain, I was struck by the contrast between the dignity, hope and commitment to our country’s “better...