Insist that growth be compatible with life

When we first learned that there were plans to open two limestone mining operations in the watershed of the Kings River, I wrote an...

To County Judge David Writer

The March 22, 2023, edition of the Eureka Springs Independent newspaper states, referring to the Scout Clean Energy Nimbus Wind Facility project, that Carroll...



Guestatorial: The community camel

I miss the old Legion Hut. Thanks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Walker-Wilson Post #9 and the late Warren Keck, the old log building...

Traffic light a solution, not a problem

Editor, I’ve been a Eurekan for seven years. I have always liked the town and its uniqueness. I don’t pretend to understand politics. I recently attended the...

Another Opinion

A Jaded View (or maybe not) Doomsayers have been around forever. Some of them look like it. At any rate you don’t see many young...


Let’s build a safe world without carbon emissions Burning the forests and fossil fuels for electricity and transportation creates greenhouse gas emissions, mainly carbon dioxide...

Building on karst

For the past several years, karst has been a frequent topic of conversation in the hills and hollers of Northwest Arkansas, and, whether it’s...

‘Feeding the world’ at the peril of the food chain

For those feeling helpless and hopeless about the special interests that seem to have taken over our democracy, remember the right to vote continues...

Support for an Evangelical Republican

For the first time, I’m throwing my support to a Republican candidate, and an Evangelical preacher at that. Last week I attended the Eureka Indivisible-sponsored...