Why would Trump dedicate Civil Rights Museum?

Editor, I am so utterly disgusted with the news that “The President” is going to my birthplace of Jackson, Mississippi, to dedicate a Civil Rights...

Project dim on plan

Editor, At the Parks Commission’s special meeting on March 27 there were few if any public comments on the designated topic – closure of 200-300...

Learning to Care

Last year, Pope Francis came to the U.S. with an urgent and powerful message of hope on the need to care for Mother Earth,...

Silent Forest

“Don’t you see the danger, John, inherent in what you’re doing here? Genetic power is the most awesome force the planet’s ever seen, but...

App and marketing tweaked and critiqued

Executive Director Mike Maloney told the City Advertising and Promotion Commission at its Oct. 11 meeting that four kiosks are on their way from...

Even Lenin could not have done better

Editor, After viewing Hillary’s acceptance speech, I concluded that Vladimir Lenin could not have done a better job himself. Richard Waxenfelter Berryville

Simple solution

Editor, Life is so simple. Hungry? Go eat. Need food? Go to work. Need work? Go get some. Allergic? Avoid what causes it. Hot? Get...

Stop screaming and vote

Editor, Two pilots with white canes and guide dogs carefully board an airliner and slowly make their way up the aisle to the cockpit. As...

Reducing our carbon footprint

“Just go. Go. Go! I don’t care how. You can go by foot. You can go by cow.” – Dr. Seuss We are in the...

Getting shots

Editor, All of us have grown weary of wearing masks and taking special care not to be close to others. We’re tired of it and can...