Independent Editorial: Trumpelstiltskin

We’ve seen a few presidential elections in our time, but nothing like this. Although it’s impossible to capture in one word, “incredulous” nonetheless comes...

Keep the ACA

Dear members of state and federal government (AR Sen. Boozman, Rep. Womack, Sen. King, Rep. Ballinger and U.S. Sen. Paul Ryan), I am writing this...


Tidal Wave

Cat gets home again

Editor, The other night I was taking my daughter, Erin Ascencio, home to Holiday Island. It was dark outside, and out of the corner of...

A Fresh Opinion

Four former presidents condemn Putin One says ‘nyet’ Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last week was met with rebuke from world leaders, past and present. Former American...

Light the light

Editor, These are my memories of Trella Laughlin. Trella was a compassionate loving woman who spent her life fighting for equality and freedom for everyone and...



Vote, like you mean it

Editor, Was America greater when people could own other people, blacks couldn’t vote, women couldn’t vote, gays had to hide? Should we return to the...

Applying what we already know

If we don’t understand how bad things are, there’s no motivation to change them. For instance, when SWEPCO announced several years ago in the...

Human rights for human beings

On Tuesday, March 21, Uganda’s parliament overwhelmingly voted to further trample on the human rights of gays within its borders. The African country’s new...