Politicians could take a lesson from town

Editor, Love your paper! This time last year, each side of a political divide within Eureka Springs was rallying its troops. We heard misleading assertions dripping...

The Dark Side of Diamond

“We’re suing for a federal climate recovery plan in line with both science and justice. No new pipelines. No more fracking. Healthier, safer communities...

Public bathrooms a two-step too far

Editor, A few mornings ago I was on my way to the bus terminal and stopped in a shop to purchase something I get there...

Sacred Earth

An honest look at climate solutions With the daily distractions, it’s easy to forget the beauty of the world. The lyrics and sounds of John...

Independent Editorial: Put grandmothers in charge of oil companies

What about those money-hungry pioneers who swarmed over private Native American land in their quest for the gold discovered in Georgia in 1829? Gold...

The big lie

Lies will get you in the end At the closing session of the 2015 Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting, former President Clinton talked about “The...

Sonic maneuver questioned

Editor, On February 11, the Eureka Springs Planning Commission approved plans for a Sonic at the corner of 62 & 23 South. This was done...

Bulk carbon emissions

Zero-emission microgrids are the key to our future On May 1, Executive Order 13920, Securing the U. S. Bulk-Power System says, “I find foreign adversaries...

Independent Guestatorial – Local legislators’ votes put health care on life support

A minority of senators and representatives in Arkansas, just 25 percent, could vote this month to end the Private Option Medicaid expansion in Arkansas...

