

Every minute, every hour

Editor, Let’s add to our gratitude list... people who we forget are also on the front line along with medical, fire, emergency, police. Those would...

Common cents

Editor, Since January, Trump has known a deadly virus was loose on the world. He did nothing but accuse Democrats of creating a hoax, calling...

Smoke takes your breath away

The COVID-19 is deadly for people with chronic respiratory problems When we are healthy, we breathe all the time and we hardly notice it. But...

Going viral

Many years ago, when the internet was new, we watched a dumb tell-a-vision movie about a computer virus that mutated into a disease virus,...

When it gets too hot

Editor, On Sunday, March 15, the Ides of March Peachtree Assisted Living went on lockdown. The move was to address the onset of the coronavirus...



The sun shines on Arkansas

“We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using nature’s inexhaustible sources of energy...

Toss up

Democrats: Where did we go wrong? Last fall, surveys showed Democratic voters were pleased with the range of candidates for nomination for our party’s...

Referees need to eat, too

Editor, On February 25-28, the Eureka Springs High School was host to the 2A West Regional Basketball Tournament. I thank all of our volunteers who stepped...