Traffic light better than roundabout

Editor, The mayor and city council have pledged a quarter of a million dollars for a roundabout that we don’t need. They did this without holding...

Disagreement on structure

Editor, Since your original article on the Methodist vote regarding LGBTW rights, Blake Lasater and I have held a discussion on the topic. Thank you,...

Can you hear me now?

Editor, I, like all Americans except the indigenous nations of the “First Americans,” am a child of immigrants. My fore parents came from Belfast, Ireland,...

Another Opinion

God gave us WHAT??? We hear some wacky things in election years, but Sarah Sanders got my attention with a recent mailing. She pledged to...

Trump has the checkbook

Editor, This Thursday, March 23, Republicons are voting to take away our healthcare and will replace it with the “I Don’t Care and Die Quickly”...

Independent Editorial: Before we get sent to the nervous hospital

There’s no doubt that unexpected things are coming at us faster and more intensely than we’re accustomed to. In the past couple of years...

Giving thanks

Editor,   A Cup of Love Ministry thanks all those who have helped, donated, supported and prayed for us. We appreciate you all so much. We thank...


Put it together

Caring for the poor

If a poor family in Arkansas falls on hard times, and no one is around to care, did it really happen? This is a disturbing...

Another thing to do with money

Editor, I wanted to tell a story about a family member because it sort of pertains to a local issue. This happened about 20 years...