National Security Threats

Some threats are real, and some are worse than others. Last week “national security” was mentioned in different contexts. Sofi, a 3-year-old child taken from...



Clinic conduct questioned

Editor, The Washington Regional Clinic on Passion Play Rd. had chosen to employ unvaccinated staff, thereby endangering those us us who have recently gone there...

Cotton should be baled

Dear Tom Cotton, “We’re now one step closer to fulfilling our promise to grant much-needed tax relief to America’s working families.” That’s what it says on...

Seeing the forest and the trees

To whom it does concern, To clarify, the crocheted trees were not paid for with city tax funds . They were funded through the Eureka Springs...

Politicians could take a lesson from town

Editor, Love your paper! This time last year, each side of a political divide within Eureka Springs was rallying its troops. We heard misleading assertions dripping...

Climate criminals

“Donald Trump wants to drive the world to disaster as quickly as possible. His position is very clear: climate change is not happening, we...


What's the deal...

Nothing’s changed but the year

Editor, USA/CIA actions in Central and South America: 1954 Guatemalan coup, 1961 Cuba Bay of Pigs, 1964 Brazil coup, 1965  Dominican Republic invasion, 1973 Chile coup,...

Another Opinion

Iris is the Greek word for rainbow, and in Greek mythology, she was goddess of the rainbow and messenger for Zeus and Hera. Presumably...