Look for truth

Editor, Watching the peaceful “Black Lives Matter” protests, I was vividly reminded of the summer of 1972. I traveled to Miami, Florida, to participate in...

Thanks for quick response

Mayor Berry, On behalf of the residents both young and old, thank you for making East Mountain Drive a safer thoroughfare. Mayor Berry all of...

Do white men think they’re better when they wake up earliest?

Working outside in the June heat, we heard a fawn bleating for help, concluding that Tootsie the wonder dawg had found new prey. In...

Crying for sunlight

Utilities call foul on ruling on solar rate Last Sunday, the Arkansas utilities called foul, saying they are “looking at challenging” the APSC net-metering ruling....

Who counts?

Editor, In last week’s paper in the article about Covid-19 in Carroll County, three pieces of information are included which we find both disturbing and...

Here we are

Editor, A quote from the recently departed and sorely missed Charles Krauthammer, one of the greatest political analysts our country has ever had, “Left vs....

Why does the Confederate flag fly in our cemetery?

Editor, I understand that we as people can look at the same image and yet see different things because of our life experiences, but we...

Chaos is hungry now

Editor, In 2015 and 2016 Bill Gates was lecturing at Harvard and other places about an upcoming pandemic. He told the audiences, “If we act...

Fight for peace

Editor, Anyone who viewed the murder of George Floyd by a police officer who kept his knee crushing Mr. Floyd’s throat for 8 minutes and...

True value of solar

Distributed generation is needed to mitigate the climate breakdown Entergy Arkansas (EA), the utility with the largest number of customers in the state, claims electric...