On Stage

Say it. Comma-lah. That’s it, although it appears as Camel-la. I’m sympathetic with the quandary, since my own Roman name is difficult. Kamala is...

Nice? Us?

Editor. I am a subscriber to your newspaper and I just want to say thank you for the nice little newspaper you have there. I hope...

The peace alternative

Building a culture of trust and hope The Pentagon gets more than 60 percent of the Federal Discretionary budget. The U.S. spends more on its...

Biden time in land of the free

Editor, My name is Ruth Jones and I live at 32 Owen Street in Eureka. I have a Biden sign and BLM in my yard, and...

Replace the flag

Editor, Doesn’t anybody else see that old ragged tor flag flying atop Planer Hill parking lot? I thought that old torn flags of any kind...

Fire Ban

No burning allowed when the ban is on There are two urgent reasons to stop commercial logging and protect the forests. A new climate report...

Customers prefer compliance

Editor, We have been customers of Rockin’ Pig since they opened and have always enjoyed their food. On July 30, I picked up To Go food...

Please fix the road

Judge Barr and County Road Foreman Kelly, I’m a 23-year resident of Mill Hollow requesting that you grade Spring Valley Road in Harvey Estates Subdivision. ...




Green the grid and electrify everything On January 14, 2020, a highly confidential JP Morgan report said, “human life as we know it could be...