Staying informed

Editor, My husband and I love our Holiday Island house and have many close friends here. When the subject of incorporation came up, we researched...

Staying unique

Editor, On the November ballot will an initiative to abolish the Historic District Commission. It is true if it passes we will still have a...

Staying lovely

Editor, I have seen many things go awry in my 84 years. It seems that quaint and obscure places known only to the “savvy” almost...

Staying as is

Editor, I want to give my personal story of living somewhere that the city did not protect its historic homes. I loved living in Austin,...

Methane lies

How are you going to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in 2021? The presidential debates should be about the climate emergency. But the 2020 Commission on...

An Outlook

Break Time People adore Cheetos. It doesn’t matter that they’re high carb, high calorie, impossibly orange and totally hollow. It’s the salty crispness and addictive...

High and low

I have submitted this column to the Eureka Springs Independent almost every week for a couple of years. I can address practically anything under...

Confederate Flags on holidays only

Editor, This October the cemetery commission will finally address the fact that Confederate flags continue to fly in our cemetery year ‘round. They’ve been mulling...

Suzie is a living sermon

Editor, In this polarized environment, all of us are accustomed to hearing blatant lies and misrepresentations, but I was saddened to see this level of...

Vote No on Entertainment District

Editor, It is important that citizens of Eureka Springs vote For repeal of Ordinance 2292 and Against Ordinance 2297. Voting For repeal of Ord. 2292 cancels...