We’re looking good

Editor, I haven’t written for a while because I didn’t have anything good to say. I couldn’t be clever or positive due to our latest...

Guestatorial: The crooked line

Unless you comment by Friday, your electric rates may go up! MISO ratepayers may pay for a 345-kV transmission line in Wisconsin. If your utility...

Eco madness

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked. “Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat. “We’re all mad here. I’m mad....

Together we can make a world of difference

Editor, Since Tom Sinclair is one of the nicest people on God’s earth, I hereby call on the entire community to gather around him to...

Toss up

Democrats: Where did we go wrong? Last fall, surveys showed Democratic voters were pleased with the range of candidates for nomination for our party’s...

American Insights

The Struggle of the Ages  It was a time of fear, suspicion, and uncertainty. It was, in a sense, like any other time in history,...

Knowing a good library

Editor, I love the libraries! Of all the libraries I have been a patron of, and there have been many, the Eureka Springs Carnegie Public...


How good are we at restoring Nature? Regeneration is a process of restoring rivers, grasslands, forests, or other ecosystems to its highest potential. Let’s look...

The demise of the American myth

“To the ordinary guy, all this is a bunch of gobbledygook. But out of the gobbledygook comes a very clear thing: you can’t trust...


Cover Up