National Security Threats

Some threats are real, and some are worse than others. Last week “national security” was mentioned in different contexts. Sofi, a 3-year-old child taken from...

Caring for the earth

Enhanced soil, healthier food, and better climate Sometimes the best solutions are hiding right under your feet. The use of a type of charcoal made...

Republicans in a dilemma

Editor, I voted for Bernie in the Arkansas primary because his proposals are absolutely necessary for a progressive nation; however, with Hillary winning the most...

Happy to be here

Editor, As we close the door on 2016 this town we live in has and continues to attract new people. Why here? Are you crazy?...

Fee without service is unfair

Dear Justices of Peace of the Quorum Court of Carroll County, I request everyone on the Quorum Court seek to draft a resolution, as an...

Customers prefer compliance

Editor, We have been customers of Rockin’ Pig since they opened and have always enjoyed their food. On July 30, I picked up To Go food...

The way it was

Editor, I express my deepest gratitude to the lovely artists who helped us portray a living history of the Ozark highlands on November 10 with...

Kindness begets kindness

Editor, A woman pastor wrote an article in the Unitarian magazine about the difference between “nice” and “kind.” “Nice” is a class term and “kind” applies...

Another Opinion: On my morning rant

So many well-meaning friends have approached me this past week asking if I am all right. They are worried that my angry Facebook rants...

A year that will live in infamy?

Those of us who understand the existential threat posed by climate change have been waiting for the “Pearl Harbor moment” that galvanizes people and...