War on life

Our economy is at war with many forms of life on Earth, including human life. - Naomi Klein Naomi Klein, an award-winning writer, explains how...

A bridge to nowhere

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for our pets, so they can run and...

The demise of the American myth

“To the ordinary guy, all this is a bunch of gobbledygook. But out of the gobbledygook comes a very clear thing: you can’t trust...


It was electrifying being in the same hall with 2,200 other mostly pissed off constituents, furious and frustrated with our U.S. Senator Tom Cotton...

Oppose division

Editor, Donald Trump was made president by the Electoral College while a majority of voters opposed his election. In the first few days of office...

Adamson’s World

Adamson toon

Dissent is a vital force

Editor, Wolftoon : “My son you have traveled far to learn a simple fact. The pandemic will end when unvaccinated are none, one way or...

Doing more with less

Editor, Thanks for your mention about the Cheryl Maples Plaque.  We have decided that the $6200 requested by the artist is too much for volunteers to...

Poison in the food

Editor, In case you are concerned with cancer, folks, take a look at this Environmental Working Group’s list of highly sprayed poisonous vegetables and fruits:...

One More Thing

ADEQ is giving the Farm Bureau and pork producers another shot at getting constituents to send in comments about the proposed moratorium on any...