Supe’s on!

Editor, In the 14 years I have taught in this system, I have observed the management of five people. From the viewpoint of this...

Ills aren’t new but cures need to be

Miss Bronstein was a regular substitute teacher in my high school. Trotsky’s niece, a short, stout, stern woman, she wore long print dresses that...

Cheering the Hoedown

Editor, Harvey and I were very excited to see that the Hoedown was back in Eureka Springs with our friend, Mike Nichols, as the star....

Healthy soil for a healthy climate

Skip coal, natural gas, urea, and ammonia If it has worms, a hearty smell, dark color, and a lumpy chocolate cake consistency you may have...

Stop digging

If we just keep digging, we’ll get out of this mess! In March 2017 Trump signed Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth, an executive...

There’s room for everybody

Editor, First, I am speaking to Dan Krotz. You are very relevant! In your Pursuit of Happiness, I find happiness. Your column is what I read first. It...

Ignoring Lyme disease won’t make it go away

The Arkansas Department of Health had to be dragged kicking and screaming to reluctantly acknowledge there is Lyme disease in the state. Arkansas was...

Plea to level the playing street

Editor, Reasons why Mayor Butch Berry should cancel the permit for the “Night Market” Dec. 9 on Spring Street and move it to Center Street: ...

Fracking threatens public health

Pat Robertson recently said, “There’s a desire on the part of some, and I think it’s satanic, to destroy America.” Robertson was explaining why...

Mandatory masks not so much

Editor, I was getting gasoline for my car the other day, in Berryville at a Fast Git ‘Em store, when I observed no customers wearing...