One More Thing


ADEQ is giving the Farm Bureau and pork producers another shot at getting constituents to send in comments about the proposed moratorium on any future large and medium swine CAFOs in the Buffalo River watershed. The previous comment period resulted in 398 comments in favor of a permanent ban, and two against. While corporate agriculture advocates continue to proclaim that there is no proof that C&H Hog Farms damaged the river, it was revealed in depositions that a faulty nutrient management calculation (that ADEQ was informed of early on) allowed 80 percent more phosphorus to be applied than the pastures and hayfields could use as fertilizer. That led to what amounts to waste dumping in the watershed and explains why algae was suddenly stuffing the river. Please tell ADEQ once again that the Buffalo River is in need of protection and is not suitable for siting industrial pig operations ever!

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