Impaired should be unimpaired

Editor, It is soooo hot. Do you ever want to canoe the Buffalo or slosh your feet in its cool pristine waters? The Arkansas Department...

Business and politics

Editor, Just in case you needed another reason to question why you shop at Walmart you can add their policy not to allow voter registration...

When oil pipelines rupture, people pay

Before the 2013 Mayflower ExxonMobil disaster, people in Arkansas believed crude oil pipelines were safe, and if something happened, government agencies and oil companies...


Watch the Birdie

HISID elections are Dec. 3

Editor, Orr’s answer to “How many meetings have I attended?” “One. And it was on the adoption of the 2020 budget.” Orr said...

We are running out of time

It’s not a fluke, it’s climate change Last week, Robert Redford wrote an article on CNN, “The big question I want answered.” After waiting so...

The business of churches

Editor, I sincerely appreciate Mark Golaway’s kind words last week.  In the interest of public education I submit: The Apostle Paul had at his disposal nearly 17...


Nice Kid

One problem with two causes

The Syrian Civil War is thought to be the cause of the largest migration of people since World War II. The thousands of desperate...

