Independent Guestatorial: Diamond Madness

“The greatest disasters we’ve witnessed rarely come from secret or hidden information. Disasters come from freely available information we are willfully blind to.” –...

Fixing leaks a priority

To the City Council and Mayor of Eureka Springs, You have been working for a year now on the water and sewer financial challenges, and...

Initial thoughts on noise

I always find that noise complaints about local venues with music elicit complicated feelings. On one hand I understand someone’s need to have their...

Helping one day at a time

Editor, Sometime in early March I decided to help a young man I met at St. James Sunday Suppers. He needed shoes, but that was...

The flag must be flown

Editor, In December 1971 the National League of POW/MIA families recognized the need for a symbol of our POW/MIAs. An advertising agency employee designed a...

Just shut it down

Editor, I tried to call Governor Asa Hutchinson’s office and was shuffled off to the voicemail of the person in charge of veteran’s affairs, who...

Volunteers throw cold water on potential catastrophe

Editor, As new farm owners in the ES area we were very concerned with the recent grass/forest fires in the vicinity of Rock House Rd.,...

County zoning is at the heart of it

In 2019, a group attended a quorum court meeting to complain about a proposed quarry on Rockhouse Road. The usual suspects complained about traffic,...

Independent Guestatorial: Oil pipeline ecocide

Ecocide is the destruction of ecosystems, a crime against nature. Coral reefs are one of Earth’s most wonderful ecosystems, with brilliant colors and a variety...

A feeling of the Fourth in 1776

Editor, I surely don’t claim to be an ace #1 psychic, but I always look for the silver lining and believe in the ancient time tested...