Fighting violence with violence is still violent

Editor, Hitler refused to use sarin gas against his military adversaries in WWII. Nobody knows why. Of course, he gassed 6 million Jews in his...

Living in Wonderland

Corporate welfare and the myth of job creation While the world waits for the November COP26 Climate Summit, Arkansas legislators look for ways to give...

Heroes can’t be still

Editor, Sometimes I wake up struggling in the blanket, trying to jump out of the pages of the John LeCarre novel we are living in....

Beware of strangers bearing contracts

Editor, Several landowners in Carroll County have been contacted by a company wanting to contract to place wind turbines at various locations. Sounds like a...

Independent Editorial: Who’s to blame?

Do you honestly think you could walk into a gay nightclub and feel fear? Of what? Not that you’ll be killed. A gay nightclub...

QC could ease housing shortage

Editor, What better group to address Carroll County’s dire housing need than the Quorum Court? Yet, when Suzie and Dan Bell appeared before them recently about...

Good manners should prevail

Editor, For the angry white man in the pick-up truck who refused to back up 30-35 feet on the Beaver Bridge last Saturday… thus forcing...

This is the gospel truth

Editor, Thank you, Eureka Springs for filling the Auditorium Friday, August 2, for the special screening of The Gospel of Eureka and conversation with Walter...

Happy Labor Day, sort of

Babies taste everything—gravel, bugs, poop. Children are indoctrinated to color within the lines. Flirt with that cute kid? Avoid the bully, stand up to...

Stop screaming and vote

Editor, Two pilots with white canes and guide dogs carefully board an airliner and slowly make their way up the aisle to the cockpit. As...