Healing the planet

“In the course of history, there comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness, to reach a...

Crude avarice

The lust of avarice has so totally seized upon mankind their wealth seems to possess them. Pliny the Elder Pliny the Elder was a...

Love ‘em, don’t leave ‘em

We live on a gravel road, one mile back from the paved road, then four miles to Highway 62 — a right turn to...

Independent Guestatorial: Sun Paper mill not a done deal

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” Dr. Seuss Clark County officials...

Thanks to all who helped

Editor, Summer Diversity 2022 has come and gone. Even with the heat wave there was a great turn out around town. The heat didn’t keep...

It’s all in the Planning

Editor, I’m new here and have noticed how the Planning Commission meetings have turned into public speaking marathons. Seems like everybody in a neighborhood shows...

Volunteers aren’t paid, but they’re priceless

Editor, Throughout Good Shepherd‘s history the efforts of our volunteers have enabled Good Shepherd in becoming the oldest, most effective no kill shelter in Carroll...

Are we Victorian or not?

Editor, Will someone please explain to me what the word “Victorian” has to do with the ugly, garish monstrosity called the Rainbow Steps? Where was...


Last Tuesday my husband and I drove to Little Rock to add our voices against SB270 – yet another hateful, overreaching bill targeting the...

Independent Guestatorial: 2001 – A Lying Odyssey

Most of us knew well before the release of Michael Wolff’s book Fire and Fury that the president was “like a child,” a “moron,”...