Gratitude for a great show

Editor, What a wet and wild Diversity weekend we had. The Queen of Dance, Kristine W, was the headliner who with jazz artist, Mychael Pollard...

We are running out of time

It’s not a fluke, it’s climate change Last week, Robert Redford wrote an article on CNN, “The big question I want answered.” After waiting so...

Good news

Editor, I was touched so deeply this week by two articles – Catherine Zeller’s Cafe Amoré story by Becky Gillette and Cara Sroges’s life story...

Roundabout shouldn’t throw you for a loop

Editor, My family and I have been coming to your wonderful city for more than 18 years and still enjoy every moment of our time...

Diamond Interruptus

“I'm sorry to say so but, sadly, it's true, that Bang-ups and Hang-ups can happen to you.” ― Dr. Seuss The Arkansas Wildlife Federation Board...

Letter from the Editor

What?! JRG, As much as we appreciated your clever letter to the editor, and knowing you don’t have a phone and we don’t have a stamp,...

Listen to the forests

It is a good idea to take care of nature We’ve been given a beautiful planet on which to live, is an idea shared by...

Another Opinion

God gave us WHAT??? We hear some wacky things in election years, but Sarah Sanders got my attention with a recent mailing. She pledged to...

Fracking dirty secrets

Shale oil and gas are the main causes of the climate emergency The massive floods in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana are described as historical and...

Our time now

I turned of drinking age my first week of law school. After that mind trip of a week I was ready to go imbibe...