Applause right back at you

Editor, Thanks to our entire community for enthusiastic support of the Five & Dime Drama Collective Spring Production. Dance of Deceit, by local playwright Tom...

Health management company has troubled history

Recently the Eureka Springs City Council voted unanimously to encourage the Eureka Springs Hospital Commission to investigate a proposal by Allegiance Health Management (AHM)...

Energy arrogance

“There is a difference in energy independence, and there is a difference in energy dominance. We're in a position to be dominant. And if...

Open letter to the Chamber

Editor, For future reference, if you offer a rain date for “Yards and Yards of Yard Sales and the forecast guarantees rain, you move everybody...

Changes happen in the blink of an eye

Editor, The Buddha: “All component things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. Work hard to gain your own salvation.” Big T: Four more...

Flowers for Mum

Editor, Read with interest in Art Attack a concern that the Bridge of Love might possibly “look like an Addams Family Mother’s Day by week’s...

A place for everybody and everybody in their place

Editor, I admit that moving back to Arkansas has had its challenges. There isn’t a decent gym in town. Going from world-class medical care in Seattle to...

What’s next?

Editor, Paul Ryan is pleased as punch that he finally got to destroy Medicaid. This has been his goal ever since he turned 18 and...

The Dark Side of Diamond

“We’re suing for a federal climate recovery plan in line with both science and justice. No new pipelines. No more fracking. Healthier, safer communities...

Enough is enough

Editor, I’m not a psychiatrist and I don’t play one on TV, so I am understandably confused by my fellow citizens who are Trump’s supporters....