Shot opinion

Editor, We were shocked to read in your January 27 paper that only 19 out of 68 full time employees of Eureka Springs Hospital have...

Representatives serve all

Editor, The Arkansas Constitution is extraordinary; it positively affirms the personal right to freely write and publish one’s individual sentiments on all subjects while also...

Weather or not

“Good sleeping weather,” my dad always said when we had cool nights in the summer. He would know – he was fetched up in...

Growing up isn’t just physical

Editor, There are seven places in the Bible where we find ideas that today we translate as “homosexuality.” A quick scholarly search shows that none...

In support of the community center

Editor, You’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t, particularly if you are part of the business community and are trying to...


Cover Up

Stamp Act?

Have you seen the Notice of Jury Summons letter for the county? What I find strange is the envelope that they send with the...

ESFM committed to trust

Editor,   The Eureka Springs Farmers’ Market announces the resignation of Patrice Gros of Foundation Farm from the board of directors. Mr. Gros recently acknowledged that...

The Dark Side of Diamond

“We’re suing for a federal climate recovery plan in line with both science and justice. No new pipelines. No more fracking. Healthier, safer communities...

Glad we could land

Editor, Michael, Thanks for playing the guardian angel yesterday. We were down to our last option and you helped save the day. The windsock looked aligned...