Representatives serve all



The Arkansas Constitution is extraordinary; it positively affirms the personal right to freely write and publish one’s individual sentiments on all subjects while also requiring accountability for any intentional abuse of such rights. It positively affirms the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to consult and petition the government (or any department thereof) by address or remonstrance for the common good. 

It recognizes as inherent and inalienable rights to life, liberty and the defense of property, including reputation. The control or interference with the right of conscience is prohibited. By law, no preference shall ever be given to any religious establishment or denomination above any other.

Today’s (10-15) AR-DG’s anonymous Editorial, repeats the great lie; by oath and law, our representatives have the duty to serve the entire population of district or state, and must, at all times, serve the general welfare of the nation.

“Gerrymandering” is illegal and unconstitutional because establishing voting precincts is the state’s duty owed exclusively to all its citizens. The trigger words – secular, humanism, liberal, moral, conservative – are all philosophies, a right of conscience unique and inviolate. It is illegal to serve party or 3rd party in matters in which the state or the nation has an interest, or is a party to.

Laura L Coker