Boozman sold us out, too

Editor, To Sen. Boozman, my sincere thanks to your webslave staffer, who sent me a prompt, although quite deceptive, form letter reply to my email...

Congressional Christianity an oxymoron?

Editor,               I do not want to sound like I am whining or ungrateful for the wonderful opportunity to live in Eureka Springs. I...

Independent Guestatorial: Survival on the Line

I am the fountain from which no one can drink. For many, I am considered a necessary link. Like gold to all I am sought for,...

Asking the right questions helps to stop Lyme in time

As I read an become aware of everyone stories about Lyme disease or tick-borne diseases (TBD) I am thankful that these people have been...

Dan the Man fan

Editor, A quick thanks to the Independent for publishing Pursuit of Happiness each week and an open love letter to Dan Krotz for writing it....

Water/Sewer commission sorely needed

Editor, Eureka Springs needs a water/sewer committee. Several City Councils and several Mayors have misunderstood the city utilities and mismanaged the finances to an extraordinary degree. In...

Parking facility and one more thing

Editor, I attended last Wednesday’s CAPC meeting to lend my support to James DeVito during his Parking Facility presentation. Interactions with visitors regarding parking are...

Protect the innocents

Editor, I feel I must respond to the letter about the Good Shepherd Humane Society. As a volunteer at the Eureka Springs thrift store...

Room for a belly rub

Editor, All I can say is WOW! We visited Good Shepherd shelter last week after an absence. We were so impressed with the new outdoor dog...

Response to rigors facing pipelines

Editor, I was pleased to read Mr. Williamson’s letter “Rigors facing pipelines” regarding “Diamond is not a pipeline.” My title was to suggest Diamond...