Council powwows should be at ESCC

To the Mayor and City Council of Eureka Springs We request that you vote to move the meetings of the City Council to the ES...

Saving a bridge that needs saving

Editor, With the building of a new, wider bridge now underway in a different location, the plans call for removing the old span. Anyone whose heart...

Water/Sewer commission sorely needed

Editor, Eureka Springs needs a water/sewer committee. Several City Councils and several Mayors have misunderstood the city utilities and mismanaged the finances to an extraordinary degree. In...

Carbon dividends a big plus

Editor, The climate emergency is rapidly becoming a catastrophic predicament of cascading disasters. Ask California. The technologies that would save us – big wind, big sun,...

What Trump is intent on

Editor, Trump has severe knowledge deficits and personal character traits that have been deliberately magnified.  Darwin was singularly credited with a theory, despite a second individual...

Another way to shoot one’s foot

Editor, If you want to drive down real estate prices in the historic district, eliminating CUPs and variances would certainly work. Mike Sutton

Turning Left

Were hippies right? There’s more to today’s political mayhem than whether you voted for Trump or Clinton. The overwhelming majority of Americans (75%) consists of people...

Voting impediments are oppressive

Editor, Letter to the Arkansas Secretary of State Mark Martin: I am appalled by the news that Trump’s new “Voting Integrity Commission” has requested very extensive...

Where has all the magic gone?

Editor, We just returned home from another trip to Eureka Springs, we’ve been going for 18 years; engaged, honeymooned there & celebrate our anniversary aligning...

Voting is necessary

Editor, The Mueller testimony once again shows how Democrats are interested in protecting our democracy and Republicans are interested in protecting their party. Most certainly...