Budget figures tickle council

At the budget workshop before Monday’s council meeting, Finance Director Lonnie Clark reported the General Fund revenue through the end of October was running...

Council wrap up Parks, grants and more

Parks Director Justin Huss told city council on Nov. 26 that renovations of the Parks office are almost complete which he said meant the...

ESH leans on attorney to acquire operations info

At the Nov. 19 Hospital Commission meeting, Mark Tozzio had three questions he hoped an attorney could answer for commissioners. His first issue was...

Council gets bones of payback ordinance

At Monday’s city council meeting Mayor Butch Berry introduced a proposed ordinance that would establish a procedure by which the city would get repaid...

LLCP being mapped, mulled over, mitigated

Arborist Chris Fischer provided an update on progress with the Lake Leatherwood City Park (LLCP) Gravity Trails Mitigation Project at the Nov. 20 Parks...

Tread lightly on Parks land

Glenda Moore said during last Tuesday’s Parks Public Comments that she accompanied arborist Chris Fischer and others on a walk last month near Black...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Nov. 28 – Dec. 4, 2018

Sagittarius – a Beam of Directed Focused Light Every month the light distributed to Earth from each sign (Spiritual Hierarchies) is different, holding different tasks...

Airport needs county to get out the checkbook

At its Nov. 16 meeting, the Carroll County Airport Commission discussed a stark reality when commissioner Sandy Martin said she and banker/commissioner Jason Tennant...

CAPC approves $200K for Aud entertainment

At its Nov. 14 meeting, the City Advertising and Promotion Commission continued to reevaluate a budgeting strategy for bringing entertainment to town and establishing...

Council picks food truck lottery winners

Eureka Springs City Council had its shortest meeting of the year Nov. 15, but there was time for the annual food truck lottery. City...