HI council installing city foundations

Holiday Island City Council passed two ordinances and a resolution at its regular May 18 meeting beginning to establish commissions and formalize City Code...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 2 – 8

On the Mystery Temple Doors – “Know Thyself” Under the light of Gemini and especially with Mercury retrograde in Gemini, we turn inwards and learn more...

Calling this inventor ‘Dragon Breath’ is high praise

Steve Holst is often stopped by tourists who want to take a picture while he is painting the town red—the town’s curbs, that is....

Beaver Lake property owners could be subject to eminent domain

On June 10, only 37 days after it started, a public comment period ends on a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study to assess...

War Eagle Cavern Concerned about proposed land acquisition

One of the larger tourist attractions on Beaver Lake, War Eagle Cavern, has sent an email raising alarms about how the U.S. Army Corps...

Is a clean shoreline necessarily a healthy shoreline?

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) maintains there are ecological benefits to not removing dead trees and debris from waterfront property. “Dead trees, brush,...

Sidewalks still a slippery slope

At Monday’s city council meeting, Finance Director Lonnie Clark stated he is optimistic for the year 2021as sales tax revenue through April had grown....

Speed bumps could be on the fast track

Resident Jack Byrne opened public comments at the May 24 city council meeting by addressing a need for better signage and speeding enforcement where...

Airport scores flight simulator

Bad weather plagued the Third Saturday Fly-in dates in April and May, but acquisition of a new flight simulator gave commissioners something positive to...

Six greenlights from HDC

City Historic Preservation Officer Glenna Booth will retire at the end of May, and last week she attended her final meeting of the Historic...