As I see it

Editor, Some say I’m prescient and can see the future. I say I’m just good with the obvious. The obvious that I see now is...

Staying as is

Editor, I want to give my personal story of living somewhere that the city did not protect its historic homes. I loved living in Austin,...

Watch us grow

Editor, In 2017 the Eureka Springs Community Center received a grant for $25,000 from the AT&T Foundation to create a community greenhouse and education center....

Swamp draining uncovers stuff

Editor, Promise made, promise kept: Trump promised to drain the swamp. He did. Replacing it with the open sewer that the Republican Party is willing...

Stretch with the animals

Editor, Medical care costs are out of control in the US and this is commonly known. Americans are having knee, hip and shoulder replacements at an...

HISID elections are Dec. 3

Editor, Orr’s answer to “How many meetings have I attended?” “One. And it was on the adoption of the 2020 budget.” Orr said...

Politics does not have to be dirty

Editor, Campaign season is upon us. The people get to meet their elected officials and can interact with the candidates asking for their vote. It...

No to white nationalism

Editor, I am a white woman and I declare that those haters do not act in my name. Racism, in all its forms, is a...

Stories that are good to know

Editor, I thank the local historical society for another production of Voices from the Silent City. I don’t attend local events nearly as much as...

Miscommunication alive and kicking

Editor, The other day I returned some books to our wonderful library. On the table was a copy of the Democrat-Gazette with a front page...