Getting away from corporate media

Editor, Capitalism is Lust (for wealth, power and control – rule from above –- the 1 percent). Socialism is Love (community, ecology and social responsibility –...

Putting on the dog

Editor, I am writing to say thank you for a local service. I recently had a stray cat show up at my home in the...

Saving a bridge that needs saving

Editor, With the building of a new, wider bridge now underway in a different location, the plans call for removing the old span. Anyone whose heart...

Attaboy, ladies

Editor, We loved reading about our “rock star” librarian Loretta Crenshaw – it bodes well for these children in our community that they recognize such...

Oligarchy: Government in which power is invested in a few

Editor, Although unusual and even somewhat shocking, there is one oligarch who often speaks truthfully in public: home-grown billionaire Warren Buffett. To quote him: “Sure there...

Voting is an easy duty

Editor, I had the privilege and pleasure of helping 13 Eureka Springs High School seniors register to vote Friday morning. If you will be 18...

Eliminate one, get two in return

Editor, In Greek mythology, the Hydra was a vile multi-headed swamp beast that destroyed everything in its path. Each time one head was cut off,...

What I saw and heard

Editor, I notice when drivers make the roads less safe and occasionally I will stop and tell them that someone does care. On Wednesday, February...

Thoughts on income disparity

Editor, After returning from a 3-week, 5000 mile jaunt to Oregon I read T.A. Laughlin’s rich vs. poor tirade on Trump and Abe Lincoln’s party. Through...

Going native

Editor, Thank you for all the advance PR for our event. What fun we had on Saturday! The “growing” (enthusiasm for native plants and their...