Slowin’ down the Mountain

Editor, Well done, Mayor Berry, for the follow through to make East Mountain Drive a safer street. Well done, councilman Thomas, for your instrumental role and...

Indie Movie Festival a hit

Editor, I recently attended a swell free event at The Aud: The Human Rights Indie Movie Festival. There were many thought-provoking films, a few sad films, and...

All people must be loved

Editor, Thank you Becky Gillette and ES Independent for taking interest in a religious conversation. I am not a Methodist, but I grieve with the...

Seek professional help

Editor, I have finally gotten up the courage to write my feelings about Mr. Trump. I am convinced he is mentally deranged. I am not...

Council should help, not hinder

First off, kudos to your reporters for patiently and unbiasedly reporting on our infamous City Council week after week. I am far from alone...

Need for sustained pressure

Editor, The deflections and distractions from the Trump administration are coming at such a fast and furious pace, it is hard to keep up with...

Yard Art appreciation

Editor, Thanks to all of you who made the May 2017 Yard Art Competition a success. The Gallery Association sponsored the event and planted the...

Kudos to Public Works

Editor, I was driving home the other day when men from Public Works were busy repairing the potholes on our street. I said, “Happy Holidays...

Heroes can’t be still

Editor, Sometimes I wake up struggling in the blanket, trying to jump out of the pages of the John LeCarre novel we are living in....

Planning should maintain status quo

Editor, City Council is considering changing the number of members on the Planning Commission from seven to five due to difficulty in maintaining a quorum. The...