Happy tails

Editor, I keep forgetting that old adage “if it bleeds, it leads” regarding the news media and social networks. As a result, I often feel despair...

Pardoning our mess

Editor,      Besides having no respect for “The Law” which he swore to uphold, the Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, Joe Arpaio, refused to...

Parking ticket costs a lot

Mr. Mayor, I congratulate you on the efficiency of your city employees during our recent stay in Eureka Springs. In the five minutes it took...

Halloween Candy Bank rides again

Editor, The town is already talking about Halloween plans, and the CAPC has doled out funds for promotion of events for the entire month that...

Help those who help

Editor, Those of you who have not heard of the Unconditional Love Pet Rescue may be unaware of a fine animal rescue facility in the...

Facts and conclusions

Editor, Gen. John Frémont, the first New Republican Party Presidential nominee of 1856, issued the first emancipation proclamation, freeing the Rebel owners’ slaves in Missouri...

Some facts on Hitler

Editor, When in Dearborn and Detroit to go to Henry Ford’s Greenfield Museum, I went with my brother and our wives on a ride in...

Being responsible

Editor, It is my sincere hope that people who voted for Trump can now understand that he is a dangerous racist, a manipulator of their hopes,...

Exclusion is illegal

Editor, Eureka Springs Mayor and alderpersons agreed to continue their 27-year history of human rights’ violations by holding city council meetings which are illegal because...

Resisting hatred

Editor, I would like to comment on President Cheatolini’s statement about Charlottesville and the “violence on many sides.” Having been in many protests against the...