Curious fundraising

Editor, I am visiting relatives in Eureka Springs. Recently I saw an article about a fundraising event for the domestic abuse shelter, the Purple Flower...

Unity a pipedream?

Editor, I wish there were (subjunctive!) unity in our country, but there is not. It’s as if there are, at least, two different societies.       One is...

Being guided to the cemetery

Editor, We have an especially interesting cemetery in Eureka Springs. It was founded in 1879 and the Odd Fellows took over in 1889. The assortment...

Stand by our name

Editor, I have been hearing about the “branding” of Eureka Springs. As I understand it, money is being spent to arrive at a word or phrase...

Bikes could disturb peace

Editor, Are you aware that volunteers (some who do not even live in Eureka Springs) are in the process of accessing our historic district neighborhoods...

Polluters getting breaks

Editor, Successful polluters know slow and steady degradation will often go unnoticed until real damage becomes impossible to ignore. So when our country’s National Environmental...

Cell advertising intrusive

Editor, Just read the article about the findings Mr. Johanson delivered at the recent A&P Commission meeting. I do not believe his comment about advertising...

Wow. Just wow.

Editor, My compliments to the staff of the Independent for a fabulous newspaper! I was particularly enthralled by the July 10 edition that grabbed my...

Name calling

Editor, Well, you’ve outdone your normal idiocy – you know we’ll call it Rumpcare because it was written by an ass. David Marry

What I learned

Editor, What did I learn from Congressman Steve Womack at Holiday Island Elks Club? I learned that he does not read the bills that are...