Lichen or not

Editor, There are two sides to issues and actions. The May 4, 2022 issue of the ES Independent had a notice on page 4, “Polishing headstones...

The new normal

Editor, I just read the latest Independent and I’m feeling really sad. I immediately clipped Dan Krotz’s “thanks for all the fish” column and put...

Wellness wins

Editor, Thank you for publishing the article “Get Well, Stay Well, Be Well.” The event was at Abundant Health Wellness Center in Eureka Springs and...

Are we Victorian or not?

Editor, Will someone please explain to me what the word “Victorian” has to do with the ugly, garish monstrosity called the Rainbow Steps? Where was...

Reaping praise

Editor, I want to say that I love Nicky Boyette’s The Dirt column. Especially his latest reference to the full moon looking like a White Hailstone radish....

Confederate Flags on holidays only

Editor, This October the cemetery commission will finally address the fact that Confederate flags continue to fly in our cemetery year ‘round. They’ve been mulling...

EMTs are the best

Editor, On Dec. 2, 2018, Chancie (Bud) Clark suffered a stroke at our home. The quick action of your amazing EMTs saved his life. He...

Still thankful, pretty much

Editor, Rain: Yes, children, rain. How lovely the wet, damp, chilly atmosphere; a tad much with what the flooding and all, but still, think of...

Avoid politics and go to the greenhouse

Editor, Today, Thursday, I made the mistake of listening to the news about the continuing saga of greed and corruption of “our” president and his...

Proper bombing

Editor,    Ordinarily, I am opposed to any form of warfare; however, the Syrian president, educated in the U.S., uses chemicals against his own people. According...