Pitiful Eureka

Editor, I am still shocked and bewildered by the fact that the Jazz Festival was such a bust. Maybe 110 people attended the phenomenal performance...

Homeless need provisions

Editor, My spouse and I bake cornbread every Friday for the Cup of Love on Hwy. 62 East. They offer free soup, clothes and a...

Staying unique

Editor, On the November ballot will an initiative to abolish the Historic District Commission. It is true if it passes we will still have a...

You could trust your car to the man who wore the star

Editor, The family of Duane O’Connor thanks everyone for their support and kind words during this difficult time. Thank you to those who have contributed...

On sage and planets

Editor, Thank you Eureka Springs Independent for bringing wisdom and warmth into our homes from the outside world! I look forward to updates on local...

Trump has the checkbook

Editor, This Thursday, March 23, Republicons are voting to take away our healthcare and will replace it with the “I Don’t Care and Die Quickly”...

Be part of what affects you

Dear Friends, Are you upset with the direction our country is heading? Do not despair, we live in a democracy and there are ways you...

Destroying all that is good

Editor, Never in my nearly seven decades did I imagine I would be face-to-face with so many people espousing and enacting such vile, despicable, evil...

Wall building response

Editor, Laura L Coker , what makes you think that the great drought, flood or other calamities won’t start here, north of the border? For what...

Two-leggeds helping four-leggeds

Editor, What a generous community we live in. Our hearts are moved by all the creative efforts to help those suffering after Hurricane Harvey, from ECHO’s...