Sharing dog food

Editor, Having been the recipient of the kindness of strangers at a time of dire need, I pay special attention to stories of kindness and...

Diversity deserves acknowledgment

Editor, Wow! What an amazing Summer Diversity Weekend – I thank all the sponsors, without them our Diversity Weekends would not be possible. I thank...

How sweet it is

Editor, Another Halloween night on the Upper Historic Loop has been accomplished in typical Eureka style. The residents from Highway 62 to the Crescent Hotel...

Worshipping trees

Editor, This past spring I ventured into the Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce to voice an idea. Going down into town toward the Auditorium, the schedule...

Feeding others a success and a blessing

Editor, The end of another season for St. James Sunday Suppers was March 10. We had a full house. This year we had a huge increase...

Who counts?

Editor, In last week’s paper in the article about Covid-19 in Carroll County, three pieces of information are included which we find both disturbing and...

Apes are peaceful

Editor, As a proud member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the letter last week from Jayanthi that mentions Bill Maher’s comments...

Country over Party

Sen. Cotton and Rep. Womack, It has been unbearable enough, throughout the last half of 2016, to have to imagine Russians in Moscow giggling while...

Destroying people 101

Editor, We are having the warmest winter in Arkansas that I can ever remember, and yet, Donald Trump has nominated Scott Pruitt, a climate change denier...

Death penalty another form of murder

Editor, According to the Council of State Governments Justice Center, Arkansas leads the nation in prison population growth Most women in Arkansas prisons are...