The Pursuit of Happiness

Are you a good person? Please, if you will, pardon my impertinence. And rest assured I don’t expect an answer; the question is for you...

Dropping a Line

Well, we only had one trip last week and it was a short one due to a dinner date they had. We went to...

The Nature of Eureka: Boneset – A forgotten herb

Here in the woods of northern Maine, I see a plant that I also see alongside ponds in the Ozarks. It is called boneset....

The Pursuit of Happiness

Seven or eight years ago I started a community garden at the little church I attended. The reasons were straightforward: it put decorative but...

Dropping a Line

Local angler Bruce Gronen from Lakeshore Drive off Mundell with a 17-pound striper he caught August 28 with his daughter Julianne Gronen, who booked...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

I’m 42, divorced and I’ve been single for years. I’m fine being single but a part of me fears being alone forever. I meet...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Twenty years ago this month Bill Clinton ended “welfare as we know it” and broke up federally managed aid to dependent families by creating...

Dropping a Line

Well, it’s been a crazy week with one troll motor going out and a second acting up with seals leaking and the 150 outboard...

The Nature of Eureka

Perilla: A weed to know This time of year, one annual weed starts to dominate the landscape in my backyard, in open woods, and all...

The Pursuit of Happiness

A dinner guest offered a startling factoid. “Forty percent (40%) of the population of Eureka Springs,” she said, “is comprised of single women.” This...