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“If you want to live like a Republican, vote Democratic.” Harry S. Truman

Well, my dear fellow Arkansans, I hope that love of Trump and Republicons will fill your bellies. The Republicons in the House (including our very own Steve Womack,) have put forth their 4.3 trillion dollar budget and it guts every social safety net. SNAP and other programs designed to keep people from starving and freezing to death are being cut by $150 billion. So, pull in those belt buckles, you and the family are going to lose a bit of weight.

I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that your president has played golf more than 63 times in the past nine months to the tune of $72 million tax dollars. He needs to relax, you know. It’s hard work tweeting insults to world leaders and black athletes while trying to start a war somewhere; North Korea or Iran are on the top of his list, but I think that any war will do.

But I digress. Back to our little lives and how we will all be impacted by the greed, arrogance and meanness of our leader and his cohorts; elected overwhelmingly by my fellow Arkansans. We have given the keys of the kingdom to Donald Trump and the Republicons. They have control of the Treasury and they sure are acting like it.

By several accounts, in only a few months, Trump’s cabinet has spent over $5 million on themselves on their travel and all that entails: hotels, meals, entertainment; all at our expense. So put on a sweater, it’s going to be a cold, hard winter.

Of course, while they are spending all our money, they are making sure that they stay in power forever. Voter suppression and district gerrymandering will ensure only Republicon votes will count. But then, many will be happy to see that Democrats lost another battle in Congress trying to save these programs; because after all, the only thing that matters is the win.

The tragedy is that if they win, we all lose.

Call Congress and tell them “No!” (202) 224-3121