The Nature of Eureka

Contrasting nature Nature is contrast. Less than two weeks ago, we were at –12°F, cold-to-the-bone with bleak, beautiful powdery snow, so cold, so dry, it...

The Pursuit of Happiness

I walk Frankie the dog every day for about an hour. Seven days a week. She seems to enjoy leashing me up and hauling...

The Pursuit of Happiness

One’s “depth of affiliations” is a criminal justice and psychological assessment term used to describe how connected you are to a place and the...

The Dirt on Nicky

Herbs along the way Grass around my house has not been cut recently, so it’s transcended from yard to pasture. The most direct route from...

The Dirt on Nicky

Radish seed story We are radish seeds in little packages on a shelf. A happy lady gathers five packages, we get barcoded at checkout, and...


I’m hoping you’ve all been out in this beautiful weather in the beautiful Ozarks. The last weeks and the next month, maybe more, will...

The Pursuit of Happiness

When I was a kid my family lived in British Columbia, Canada, for three years. We moved into a log house a mile off...

The Dirt on Nicky

Long, flat and bumpy The following will contain words of scientific complexity including flapdoodle and watermelon. Yellow wax beans such as Marvel of Venice produce vines...

The Dirt on Nicky

Beans on the bushes This time of year there are beans on the bushes, so all’s right with the world. The Baker Creek seed catalog...


FAYETTEVILLE – Arkansas hasn't yet addressed its need for a running back in the 2019 recruiting class, but the Razorbacks are off to a...