The Dirt on Nicky

Perpetuity When it’s the end of something, that means there’s space for the next thing. Take the universe, for example. It’s been around a while,...

The Coffee Table

The Smiling Impairment If anybody should be opposed to wearing a mask, it’s me. I am moderately hearing impaired—enough to wear hearing aids. Except masks make my little...

Dropping a Line

Well, this cold front has slowed it down a bit, but John Stoker enjoyed his catch from last week so much he sent me...


Word, word, word… definition… a remark or piece of information. I did not bear the cold, but part of our team did. Pictured here Richard...


Sunday was too hot to sit under the hackberry, so we settled in his garage with the fan blowing like it had to put...


“If you can’t stop smoking, learn to play the clarinet,” she said to no one in particular. “It’s like God gave us tools for...

Free Parking

Soon it will be Easter, a high holy day in the Christian religion. Many people proclaim that Easter proves that Jesus died for our...


Gotta admit, Republicans sabotaging golf carts belonging to Democrats in a Florida retirement community did get us going. Who would’ve thought that old rich white...

The Nature of Eureka

Lady’s Slippers It was just over 40 years ago, June 1980, my first year in the Ozarks. I was beginning to make friends with Arkansas...

The Pursuit of Happiness

There’s an old blue horror show up on Elk Street I’m thinking about buying and rehabbing. It’s a mess: it needs a new roof...