American Insights

The Meaning of the Declaration The rain was falling with misty, unrelenting force as President Calvin Coolidge rose to deliver the greatest speech of his...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

I’d like to spice things up a bit with my partner. A friend suggested sex texting but I’m completely clueless in that realm. Can...

The Dirt on Nicky

How to look through a seed catalog Way before Black Fridays, “Feliz Navidad,” or the Pickle Bowl, seed catalogs are arriving in gardeners’ mailboxes. ‘Tis...

The Pursuit of Happiness

I’ve been meeting new babies this week. Three things happen when I meet them. First, I recognize that every new baby looks just like...

The Coffee Table

Saturday morning, December 12, I found the email inviting me to the December Friends of Berryville Library meeting, and marked it on my laptop...

The Dirt on Nicky

Hornworm horrors I got a phone call recently and the first thing the caller asked was, “How are your tomato plants doing?” Gardeners pride themselves...


Hey fishing friends, hope you all had a wonderful week and hope you got at least one day of fishing in. Last week I...

Free Parking

Give them bread and circuses, the peasants will never revolt. – Juvenal 1st Century Roman Poet Our history is presented to us every day in...


Here’s the thing about talking about different generations and then profiling them: Easy trap. For instance, sometimes I sit on my back porch and listen...

The Coffee Table

Defending Democracy? A couple weeks ago I wrote a “Book Report” about Jeffrey Toobin’s book Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right Wing Extremism. I...