The Nature of Eureka

Spring ephemerals are just that It’s the most exciting time of year for wildflower enthusiasts, native plant gardeners and botanical photographers in the Ozarks –...


Some knew him as Harry, others knew her as Margo. I was privileged to know them both. Several years ago, when Margo was diagnosed...

The Nature of Eureka

The Lenten Rose – Hellebore of the Levant You’ve seen these plants and probably haven’t given them a much thought. They are found growing throughout...

Free Parking

The ties between the Russians and the Americans in the Russia Affair are twisted together like poison ivy vines, covering trees and smothering the...

The Nature of Eureka

Spectacular hoarfrost Last Friday night, February 15, we had unpredictable precipitation dancing between sleet, freezing rain or rain, with temperatures hovering around freezing. Exposed surfaces...

The Dirt on Nicky

Things get mashed It’s that time of year when all thoughts turn to mashed potatoes. In her epic novel When Pasta Clumps, Franny Elena Jasper...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week January 24 – 30, 2024

I Was Wondering  –  What is the Sound of Humanity’s Freedom? And so, the transformative planet Pluto entered Aquarius, sign of humanity itself, of freedom,...


 We’ve said it before, but it sounds new every time we think about it: No one needs to be angry unless they choose to...

Dropping a Line

Kevin Mulvey from Antioch, Tenn., came to visit a friend on Mundell Road, decided to try a last minute striper trip on Beaver Lake...


“Democrats’ effort to codify abortion rights fails in the senate.” That was a New York Times headline a couple of weeks ago that explained...