The Dirt on Nicky

Clear the deck! Here we are toward the end of October, and I don’t even need my long sleeve pants on yet! Glorious, but I...

HogNews: Who’s hogging pre-season?

Arkansas’ football staff made it a point in last year’s recruiting class to become faster and more athletic at skill positions. Midway through the Razorbacks’...

Dropping a Line

Twelve-year-old Mason Levin caught this 44 inch, 29 lb. striper July 7 while out fishing with Quentin Ellis from right here in Eureka. Mason caught...


I’m sending out warming greetings. Last week was bitter. I have something to tell you about that everybody should look forward to this week:...

The Coffee Table

Fine Line Like Fine Wine When concluding one’s shopping at Wallie-World, I think the average shopper’s instinct is to head for the shortest checkout line,...


Last night was not too hot, not too cold, it was just right. That might be because someone, somewhere, changed the time on Sunday...

The Pursuit of Happiness

I was in the checkout line at the Evil Retail Giant last week kicking the life out of a hundred-dollar bill when I noticed...


FAYETTEVILLE – Since taking over Arkansas’ men’s basketball program in April, Eric Musselman has proven he’s not afraid to swing for the fences. Musselman...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Sept. 21 – 27

The Autumn Festivals Begin Autumn begins this Thursday. Autumn Equinox occurs when Sun enters Libra – sign of harmony, justice and equilibrium. The secular...


This week’s picture comes from Ozark Fishing Guide Service. Owner and captain of Ozark Fishing Guide Service, Patrick Forseth, who took this picture, is fervent...