Money, money, money

Editor,     If you are worried about tax time and how you will come up with the money, consider this: the 2019 U.S. budget...

Earth Day’s movement for healthy environment continues with call to action climate

As Americans observe Earth Day (April 22), let’s take a moment to reflect on the power of the grassroots movement behind that first celebration...


Cover Up

Careful of the shell game

Editor, As a charter member of the United Nations, our government promised that we would take global conflicts to the Security Council to be resolved....

It’s the best place, it’s the worst place

Every Saturday morning, my wife and I host an open jam session in Berryville Square during the Farmers’ Market. (The farmers arrive early; we...

Some facts on Hitler

Editor, When in Dearborn and Detroit to go to Henry Ford’s Greenfield Museum, I went with my brother and our wives on a ride in...

Do as I say, not as I do

Editor, The Democrats’ latest version of the Evil Red Scare is rolling on unabated by facts and truth. I had to laugh when one official,...

What’s the hurry?

Editor, That was quick! We put a request together and had the neighbors sign it and we now have two speed bumps on East Mountain...

About aging

Editor, I have another birthday approaching fast and I’m too old to outrun it. The good news is that I have finally become a fully...

Independent Editorial: #pantsonfire

Since the election last November we’ve heard from people who insist that from now on they will pay closer attention to local clubs, councils...