Success with service

Editor Kudos to Eureka Public Works. I had a problem, they were down the next morning to deal with it. Great job done by friendly, capable...

Leadership lacking

Editor, Au revoir, Paris.  “President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement is the biggest failure of leadership in American history.”  So said Citizens”...

Words aren’t enough but they’re all we got

I am not one of those people who despise Walmart. I understand how it has killed mom-and-pop businesses and shuttered many small town downtowns....

Referees need to eat, too

Editor, On February 25-28, the Eureka Springs High School was host to the 2A West Regional Basketball Tournament. I thank all of our volunteers who stepped...

Voting can change society. It already has.

Editor,      I have been heartbroken since the 2016 election was stolen by Putin and his minion Trump became president of our wonderful country....

Official Book of Arkansas

Editor, Some friends of mine and I were discussing the fact that our state legislature has now made the Bible the official state book of...

Independent Guestatorial: Ethic of Sustainability

A thing is right when it tends to enhance the quality and integrity of both human and non-human life on earth by means that...

Flag days

Editor, Something I have always wondered about is why Eureka Springs doesn’t fly more U.S. flags celebrating Memorial Day, July 4th and Veteran’s Day. The Doughboy...

Volunteers throw cold water on potential catastrophe

Editor, As new farm owners in the ES area we were very concerned with the recent grass/forest fires in the vicinity of Rock House Rd.,...

ESH care the best

Editor,   I would like to say something about our little hospital in this town. I have lived in Eureka for 29 years and worked locally...