Some facts on Hitler



When in Dearborn and Detroit to go to Henry Ford’s Greenfield Museum, I went with my brother and our wives on a ride in a Model T.

I noticed a church and the guide said Ford built it for his mother and wife. “What was his spiritual stance?” I asked. “Oh, he believed in reincarnation.”

Ford wrote his autobiography, My Life and My Work, in 1924. In 1925, Hitler read the book while he was in the Landsberg Prison.

Ford was anti-Semitic, probably because the Jewish bankers in Michigan would not loan as much money as fast as he wanted in 1908. Henry started hiring Muslims in 1937, and there is a big Muslin population in Michigan today.

Hitler was a low-level sketch artist in Vienna, Austria, and was mad at the Jews for not buying his young hippie art. With four Hitler books, none mentions him working.

In 1935 Hitler had Porsche design “the people’s car,” Volkswagen, patterned after Ford’s cheap Model T.

Richard B. Waxenfelter
