

A week in the legislature

In Washington, talks about treason swirl around the White House, and that seems like the most important of events; but meanwhile back at the...

Here we are

Editor, A quote from the recently departed and sorely missed Charles Krauthammer, one of the greatest political analysts our country has ever had, “Left vs....

Sent to Sens. Boozman and Cotton

Editor, Just how much must this POTUS embarrass Americans before you start wondering if he is essentially a traitor? Needs to go? He admits (to Russians,...


Dragging it Out

Voting from experience

Editor, The “good old boy” attitude in Carroll County has gone on way too long. Magnetic Road is a heavily traveled road. It has been...

Independent Guestatorial: Massive methane emissions?

Global warming is overlooked by the Trump administration while the impacts are in plain sight. An iceberg the size of Delaware is expected to...

There’s room for everybody

Editor, First, I am speaking to Dan Krotz. You are very relevant! In your Pursuit of Happiness, I find happiness. Your column is what I read first. It...

Vote your best interests

Editor, I think most agree that this election season has been very strange. Never has the process produced two candidates both polled as net unfavorable....


Government Regulations