Independent Guestatorial: Isolation and devastation

If you hunt, fish, or swim, you may want to read this. The sweet smell of money drives good people to ignore friends and...

Three reasons I don’t miss school

My life could be divided into a half-dozen portions, all related to schooling. First I was too little to go to school, then I...

Ring that Bell

Editor, I recently received a flyer from Harlan Breaux, incumbent candidate for Arkansas House (District 97). He claimed that he was “making healthcare accessible and...

Climate justice

“Now is the time to make justice a reality for all.” – MLK, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr., led the struggle for justice with words...

Apes are peaceful

Editor, As a proud member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the letter last week from Jayanthi that mentions Bill Maher’s comments...

Happy Labor Day, sort of

Babies taste everything—gravel, bugs, poop. Children are indoctrinated to color within the lines. Flirt with that cute kid? Avoid the bully, stand up to...

Takin’ it to the streets

Editor, Welcome to DA (Divided America, formerly the United States of America)! The only thing missing is “US.” I wonder if this sorry state of...



Road to hell

“I should not have been there.” General Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “my presence in that moment...

Star Spangled

Webster’s says “spangled” means glittered or gleaming. But the word still sounds as though something got mangled in the process. Francis Scott Key did...